Resharper Plugin: ZenSharp

ZenSharp for ReSharper is mnemonics on steroids!

from ZenSharp repo

The official documentation already has a lot of useful macros/templates/usages, but I found a lot of undocumented templates by going through Templates.ltg (located under MyDocuments folder).


Here is the version of Templates.ltg that I used:

space ::= " "
cursor ::= "$END$"
cursorb ::= "(" cursor ")"
// Resharper macros:
identifier ::= <name default="$name$" macros = "suggestVariableName()">
identifier2 ::= <name2 default="$name2$" macros = "suggestVariableName()">
// Types:
suggType ::= <type short="t" expand="$type$" macros = "complete()">

// Primive types:
maybeType  ::= type | "void"
type       ::= generic | primType ("?"="?")? ("[]"=a)? | suggType
primType   ::= string=s | byte=by | bool=b | "System.DateTime"=dt | decimal=dc | double=d | int=i | uint=ui | "System.Guid"=g | "System.Uri"=u | "System.Xml.Linq.XElement"=x |
taskType   ::= "System.Threading.Tasks.Task"

// Complex types:
generic1 ::= (SCG "." ("IList"=l | "IEnumerable"="~")) "<" type ">"
generic2 ::= (SCG "." ("SortedList"=sl | "IDictionary"=di)) "<" type ", " type ">"
SCG      ::= "System.Collections.Generic"
generic ::= generic1 | generic2

access ::= (internal=i | public=p | private=_ | protected=P) space

// Auto properties:
property        ::= access ("abstract "=ap | "static "=P | "virtual "=vp | ""=p) type space identifier propertyBody cursor
propertyBody    ::= "{ get;" propertySetAccessor " set; }"
propertySetAccessor ::= "protected "="+P" | ""="+" | "private "

// Methods:
methodAttributes ::=
    | "[NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute]"=su
    | "[NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureSetUpAttribute]"=tfsu
    | "[NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureTearDownAttribute]"=tftd
    | "[NUnit.Framework.TearDownAttribute]"=td
    | "[NUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttribute]"=tc
    | "[NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute]"=t
method_async ::= (methodAttributes)? access "async" space ("virtual "=vm | "abstract "=am | "static "=M | ""=m)   (taskType "<"=T type ">" | taskType ""=T) space identifier methodArgs methodBody
method_generic ::= (methodAttributes)? access ("virtual "=vm | "abstract "=am | "static "=M | ""=m) (type | "void") space identifier methodArgs methodBody
method ::= method_async | method_generic
methodBody ::= " { " cursor " }"
methodArgs ::=  "(" ((""="," | ""="(") arg)? ")"
arg ::= primType " " identifier2

// Consts:
// const ::= access "const "=c primType space identifier "= """ identifier """;"
const ::= access "const "=c primType space identifier "="="=" cursor ";"

// Fields:
field ::= access ("readonly "=r)? type space identifier ("="="=" identifier2 ";" | ";")

// Classes:
classAtributes ::= ("[NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute]" = tf)?
class ::= classAtributes access ("sealed "=E)? ("class"=c | "static class"=C) space  classBody
classBody ::= identifier (" : "=":" type)? "{" cursor "}"

enum ::= access space "enum"=e space identifier "{" cursor "}"

scope "InCSharpClass" {
  start    ::=  method | property | field | const | other

  other ::=
    | class
    | ""=dbset "public DBSet<" identifier " > " identifier "s {get; set; }"
  | enum

scope "InCSharpTypeAndNamespace" {
  start ::=
    | class
    | interface
    | enum

  interface ::= access "interface"=i space classBody

scope "InCSharpInterface" {
  start ::=
    | type space identifier propertyBody cursor
    | method
    | property

  propertyBody ::= "{ get; }" | "{ get; set; }"="+"
  access ::= ""
  methodBody ::= ";"

scope "InCSharpStruct" {
 // start ::= ""

scope "InCSharpStatement" {
  start ::=
    | "if ("=ifr identifier " == null) return;"
    | "Log."=l (Fatal=f | Info=i | Error=e | Trace=t | Debug=d) "(""" cursor """);"

I changed

identifier ::= <name default="$name$" macros = "complete()">
identifier2 ::= <name2 default="$name2$" macros = "complete()">


identifier ::= <name default="$name$" macros = "suggestVariableName()">
identifier2 ::= <name2 default="$name2$" macros = "suggestVariableName()">


scope "InCSharpClass" {
  start    ::=  method | property | field | const | other

  other ::=
    | class
    | ""=dbset "public DBSet<" identifier " > " identifier "s {get; set; }"


scope "InCSharpClass" {
  start    ::=  method | property | field | const | other

  other ::=
    | class
    | ""=dbset "public DBSet<" identifier " > " identifier "s {get; set; }"
  | enum


These are the notes I wrote while playing with ZenSharp.

1. Access Modifiers

<Access Modifiers>

Shortcut Expand To
p public
_ private
i internal
P protected

2. Types

Shortcut Note
t $type$ (ask for user input/aka "hotspot")
a any primitive type ends with a will expand to the array of the type
? any primitive type ends with ? will expand to nullable of the type

3. Primitive Types




Symbol Meaning
[] Optional
| Or
<> Required
Shortcut Expand To
s string
by byte
b bool
dt DateTime
d double
i int
ui uint
g Guid
dc decimal
u Uri
x XElement
o object


Shortcut Expand To
b? bool?
ba bool[]
b?a bool?[]

4. Complex Types

Shortcut Expand To
l IList
~ IEnumerable

Format (for sl and di)

<Access Modifiers><sl|di><<Type>|t><<Type>|t>[<Identifier>]

Shortcut Expand To
sl SortedList
di IDictionary


Shortcut Expand To
li IList<int>
~s IEnumerable<string>

5. Properties


<Access Modifiers><ap|P|vp|p><t|<Type>>[<Identifier>][+[P]]

Shortcut Expand To
ap abstract
P static
vp virtual
p "" (normal property)

Property Set Accessor

Shortcut Expand To
default private set;
+ public set;
+P protected set;



$name$: Hotspot (ask for user input)

Shortcut Expand To
ppt public $type$ $name$ { get; private set; }
pps public string $name$ { get; private set; }
ppsTesting public string Testing { get; private set; }
ppsTesting+ public string Testing { get; set; }
ppsTesting+P public string Testing { get; protected set; }
pvpiTest+ public virtual int Test { get; set; }
pPi?aTest+P public static int?[] Test { get; protected set; }
pvp~i?aTesting+P public virtual IEnumerable<int?[]> Testing { get; protected set; }

6. Method Attributes


Specific to NUnit only

Shortcut Expand To
su [SetUp]
tfsu [TestFixtureSetUp]
tftd [TestFixtureTearDown]
td [TearDown]
tc [TestCase]
t [Test]

7. Methods


[<Method Attributes>]<Access Modifier><am|vm|M|m>[t|<Type>|T[<Type>|t]][<Identifier>][,<Type>[<Identifier>]]

Shortcut Expand To
am abstract
vm virtual
M static
m void


Shortcut Expand To
_m private void $name$(){}
_vmt private virtual $type$ $name$(){}
_ms private string $name$(){}
_msTesting private string Testing(){}
_msTesting,s private string Testing(string $name2$){}
_msTesting,sparam private string Testing(string param){}

async Method Examples

Shortcut Expand To
_mT private async Task $name$(){}
_mTt private async Task<$type$> $name$(){}
_mTs private async Task<string> $name$(){}
_mTsTesting private async Task<string> Testing(){}
_mTsTesting,s private async Task<string> Testing(string $name2$){}
_mTsTesting,sparam private async Task<string> Testing(string param){}

More Examples

Shortcut Expand To
tpmTsTesting,icase [NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute]
public async Task<string> Testing(int case){}

8. Consts


<Access Modifier>c<Type>[<Identifier>]=


Shortcut Expand To
_cs= private const string $S$ = $$;
_csTesting= private const string Testing = $$;


Need to include the ending =, otherwise it will be expanded as class

9. Fields


<Access Modifier>[r]<<Type>|t>[<Identifier>][=]

Shortcut Expand To
r readonly


Shortcut Expand To
_s private string $_s$;
_s_testing private string _testing;
_s= private string $_s$ = $name2$;
_s_testing= private string _testing = $name2$;
_rs private readonly string $_s$;
_rs_testing private readonly string _testing;
_rs= private readonly string $_s$ = $name2$;
_rs_testing= private readonly string _testing = $name2$;

10. Enums


<Access Modifier>e[<Identifier>]


Shortcut Expand To
pe public enum $name${}
peTesting public enum Testing{}

11. Class Attributes


Specific to NUnit only

Shortcut Expand To
tf [TestFixture]

12. Classes


[<Class Attributes>]<Access Modifier>[s]<c|C><Identifier>[:<<Type>|t>]

Shortcut Expand To
s sealed
> Note: Unexpandable? (Will be expanded to string)


Shortcut Expand To
pcTesting public class Testing{}
pcTesting:t public class Testing : $type${}
pcTesting:o public class Testing : object{}

13. Interfaces


<Access Modifier>i[<Identifier>][:<<Type>|t>]


Type and Namespace

Shortcut Expand To
pi public interface $name${}
piTesting public interface Testing{}
piTesting:t public interface Testing : $type${}
piTesting:lt public interface Testing : IList<$type$>{}

14. Logging





Shortcut Expand To
f Fatal
i Info
e Error
t Trace
d Debug


Shortcut Expand To
lf Log.Fatal("$$");


lf" is better (It will become the first entry in Intellisense)

15. Others

Shortcut Expand To Scope
dbset public DBSet<$name$> $names$ { get; set; } Class
ifr if ($name$ == null) return; Statements

Documention Gist

ZenSharp Documentation



ReSharper 2016.3 Help: List of Template Macros

results matching ""

    No results matching ""